What Not to Miss at Gartner IAM Summit 2018!

Gal Helemski
October 25, 2018

The upcoming Gartner Identity and Access Management Summit is shaping up as an unprecedented opportunity to deepen your IAM knowledge while networking with industry leaders. From December 3-5 in the heart of Las Vegas, you’ll have the unique opportunity to attend more than 50 research-driven sessions and evaluate 75 exhibitors, along with over 1,400 IAM professionals. There’s no better time or place to gather real world solutions and network meaningfully with professional peers.

We hope you’ll drop by our session “Why & How Authorization has become Business Criticalon Wednesday, Dec 5th at 10:45 AM. We will join executives from the World Bank, EY, Dimensional and Apiture to discuss overcoming business problems and the capabilities that are needed and available in advanced, Policy Based Authorization Solutions sharing our views on why authorization has taken a front seat in their corporate IAM environment.

Here are the speakers and sessions which we strongly recommend for evolving your IAM strategies and staying ahead of the curve:

Must See Speakers

In addition to Lori Robinson and Ant Allan – both leading research VPs at Gartner that we profiled for last year’s event, here are two additional speakers we highly recommend checking out. Both bring unmatched industry experience and cutting edge knowledge to the table.  

  • Gregg Keizman: With over 30 years of IT experience in the private and public sectors including the U.S. federal government and World Bank, one would be hard pressed to find an IAM professional more qualified to deliver an opening keynote. Keizman is an all-around expert on access management and is uniquely positioned to offer management guidance for cloud-based apps. His talks on IAM solutions will leave you inspired and armed for the future.
  • Mary Ruddy: A research VP on the Gartner GTP IAM team, Ruddy will be co-presenting a keynote with Gregg on the future of IAM in 2019 and beyond, providing you with the how-to to adapt your IAM approach to ever-changing industry trends. The ideal professional to answer questions about IAM management capabilities, cloud computing, and modernizing app architecture and infrastructure, Ruddy’s voice will be an invaluable contribution to the summit.

Can’t Miss Sessions

As specialists in the area, we'll spend most of our time honing in on the summit's Access Management and Authorization Track. We're also highly anticipating a number of other key sessions, which we've listed below.

GDPR the Day After: 3 Myths and 6 Key Capabilities Discussed

Nader Henein, Research Director, Gartner. Monday, December 3, 2018, 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

There’s been a lot of talk around GDPR, but chances are some of what you’ve heard is inaccurate. Gartner has found a number of critical misconceptions spreading through the industry and Henein will share information on pitfalls to avoid. Plus, learn several essential functions for privacy management programs.

Ask the Analyst: Moving Authentication and Access Management to the Cloud

Homan Farahmand, Research Director, Gartner. Lori Robinson, Research VP, Gartner.

Monday, December 3, 2018, 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Perhaps you have begun internalizing that the future of IGA is all about cloud, but what does that mean for your business? Come to this critical session to learn about cloud-delivered IGA, and how evolving IGA capabilities can provide your company with new, more effective solutions.  

Ask the Analyst: Privileged Access Management Best Practices

Felix Gaehtgens, Research Director, Gartner. Wednesday, December 05, 2018, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

We’re sure you have plenty of questions about PAM, and who better to ask than a Gartner research director? Check out this valuable discussion about successful PAM efforts and what your company needs to know to thrive. To get the most out of this session, come prepared with your toughest questions.

Strategies for Making the Right Access Management and Single Sign-On Choices

Gregg Kreizman, Managing VP, Gartner. Monday, December 03, 2018, 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

As threats to web and native mobile applications increase from all fronts, having a handle on access management solutions has never been more important. Whether you’re working with clouds or on-premise servers, this session will give you the confidence to make the optimal access management choices for your organization.

What Security and Risk Leaders Need to Know About Blockchain

Jonathan Care, Research Director, Gartner. Monday, December 03, 2018 / 02:45 PM - 03:30 PM

One of the hottest trends of the year, blockchain adoption is becoming increasingly widespread but not all companies are adequately informed about security risks. Blockchain tools are powerful but largely unproven, and making the rights choices about who and what to trust is imperative. Attend this session to learn how to approach blockchain effectively and securely.

A final reminder not to miss our session at Gartner on December 5th at 10:45 AM entitled “Why & How Authorization has become Business Critical.”  If you haven’t already booked your ticket, you can use our Sponsor Priority Code IAMSP54 to get $300 off of standard registration pricing.

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