Welcome to PlainID: The Authorization Solution

Gal Helemski
June 12, 2016

Greetings. I’d like to introduce you to PlainID.

You’re probably wondering why a company wants to associate itself with plainness. People love excitement, hype, pizzazz, bells, whistles and extraordinariness. Plain can be just…plain.

But when fast-paced companies need their authorization processes to run smoothly and simply so that their employees can access the proper tools in a timely manner – they need plain. AuthZ shouldn’t be messy, complicated and an obstacle to growth. It should be plain and simple.

That’s why we love being associated with plainness. We are PlainID. We’re not muddying AuthZ. You don’t need a PhD to use our solution. It really is PlainID.

PlainID recognizes the frustrations of businesses struggling to figure out and scale up with Identity and Access Management (IAM). We were frustrated, too, and decided to solve the problem by starting PlainID in 2014. Instead of making only small changes to AuthZ – we upended the technology itself and simplified the whole process of authorization, management and control.

Our solution reduces AuthZ to one point of decision, one point of control and one point of view. Businesses require a clear path to the tools and apps that enable rapid growth. We don’t want to block that path; our solution is not hard to understand and work with.

PlainID enables rapid business growth by connecting classical technologies with the new uprising authorization technologies. With PlainID you can move from static to dynamic, from repository based access to virtual token based access, from RBAC to ABAC and from role level access to fine-grained access, up to the resource/action level.

We are an authorization platform, on which you can define and visualize your business authorization policy, and on top of that add the different technical implementation, whether it’s an on-prem app, in the cloud or on the mobile.

How PlainID keeps it simple:

A Business-oriented approach

Our solution is designed for business owners and administrators to define, understand and use. For example, you can allow your regional sales team access to accounts data but restrict it only according to their region and only from their office – and only from 7:00 to 17:00. PlainID easily lets you fine-tune access, regardless of the technical implementation of the data.

Consistent Control: Data can be part of the on-prem ERP today, and in the as-a-service, in-the-cloud ERP tomorrow. PlainID enables you to maintain your existing business policy and connect it to the different technical implementations you want to use.

Contextual & Fine-Grained Authorization: Access is determined dynamically and in real time, based on user attributes, environmental attributes (time, location, etc.) and events. For example, you can block access to all high-risk operations in case of a cyber security event. In addition, PlainID provides access decisions up to the resource level.

In-depth Analytics and Insights: PlainID provides unobstructed visibility with a full audit trail. Compliance, regulation and audit requirements – they’re easy to manage on a simple graph-based UI.

Adaptive Authorization Provider: It really is one solution for all – all users, all wearables, all on-premise machines, all platforms, all mobile devices, all companies. We provide authorization for all,based on known leading standards in addition to our own SDK.

Graph-based platform user interface: Forget about puzzling details on one-dimension tables. PlainID’s graph-based technology is easy to read and follow.

Now you know who we are. We’re not flashy, but we’re also not messy. We’re uncomplicated, understandable and…plain. There’s nothing wrong with being plain. Business demands are too fast and intense for flashiness and all its inherent complications. If your business needs an unobstructed path to apps and tools so it can grow, be plain.

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